Gate Operating Procedures


Light and Life Park
Gate Operating Procedures

Residents with a gate opener entering the Park

  1. As you approach the gate slowly, press the button on the opener.
  2. The gate should open.
  3. Proceed through the gate.

Note: The gates close automatically when the vehicle clears the gate area

Exiting the Park

  1. Keeping to the right clear the speed bump.
  2. Stop.
  3. The gate will open automatically.

Note: The gates close automatically when the vehicle clears the gate area

Visitors entering the Park

  1. Stop at the call box on the left side of the road just before the gate.
    1. If you know the 4 digit code for the resident, enter it by using the keypad.
    2. If you do not know the code, scroll to the name of the resident by tapping either the A or Z button. DO NOT hold the buttons down, this will make it scroll too fast.
  2. Press the CALL button. This will call the resident’s phone.
  3. When the resident answers, identify yourself.
  4. If the resident knows you, they will press 5 on their phone.
  5. When the resident hears a high pitched tone, they will hang up.
  6. The gate will open and the visitor may proceed through the gate.

Note: The gates close automatically when the vehicle clears the gate area